Friday, July 3, 2009

Show Platters. I'm not sure this was such a good idea.

I have created some outlandish buffet trays in my day, building topiary pieces out of cold cuts is just the tip of the thousands of concepts I have had my hand in. I always like to put a little whimsy into my creations and always with the idea that it will be eaten, admired but eaten. Then I got introduced to Competition Show Platters.

*Competition Show Platter: A Tray of Foods, for a designated number of diners, that should include two main proteins, a side item, a salad, a sauce and a garnish all glazed in aspic.

This was my first "Competition Show Platter"
Salmon Mousseline with Sole Inlay Wrapped with Carrot and Zucchini
Poached Salmon Wrapped in Leek
Bacon Mustard Potato Salad
Lemon Parsley Sauce in a Yellow Tomato Cup
and a Choid Froid Onion Stuffed Cream Cheese and Grav-lox on Pickled Daikon
w/ Fish Cracker Garnish.

I learned a lot of techniques from Chef Franz on this platter, including cracker work, garnish work and aspic molding.

It's the details....

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